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FRANKIE CARL WILSON JR. is an exciting, passionate, inspirational and award-winning personality in the studio and on the stage. He’s known for hosting and moderating a wide range of events including: award shows, concerts, music and book releases, formal events, movie premieres, and etc.  He has worked red carpets and held interviews on radio and television with some of the top names in music, film and politics. He now travels across the nation speaking to people of all ages, sharing stories of inspiration and transformation to the masses. 


His speaking topics include: 

  • “Own Your Actions to Create Your Experiences”

  • "The Science of Success and Achievement”

  • “Changing Your Environment: Behavioral systems for environmental change in your life”

  • “Self-Syndicated: A lesson in ownership”

  • Additional topics available upon request.

Speaking at SMU in Dallas, TX
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
Hope4Xavier Autism Awareness Gala
Rosa Parks Millbrook Elem.
#SpeakLife101 Photoshoot
Music Mentors of Texas
Michelle Carter
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
DSC_8974 (1)-iloveimg-converted (1)_edited_edited
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
#SpeakLifeWhereverYouAre photoshoot
Sock it to Satan Festival 2015
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
Panel: Minorities & the Police
Male Leadership Symposium 2017
#SpeakingLife photoshoot
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
The Giving Project (Spring 2015)
VP of Frost Bank - DeSoto
The Giving Project 2015
Video Blog Production
PvR / Life Chat LIVE
ELEVATE Academey @ UNT Dallas
Act-So Competition 2016
#SpeakLifeFoundation photoshoot
The Giving Project: Voter Register..
KHVN 970AM-Dallas staff
Michael Flusche - Senator Ted Cruz R
ACT-SO Competition 2016
STEM students of George Carver
The Naked Stage 2017
Diligent Denise & D-Brown
Concerned Citizens of DeSoto
VLOGS Coming Soon
Radio Life
Speaking to Youth
Gorge Carver - STEM Students

© 2016 By Frankie Wilson. Proudly created by the Zoe Communications Agency.

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